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Pattaya Floating Market Ticket
At the edge of the riverbank, you will see a lot of stores and stalls, this is what we call the water market located in the middle of the waterway,
2023-11-01 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$3Art In Paradise Pattaya Ticket
This new tourist attraction is the only vision illusion art museum in Thailand that visitors can have a full of fun in touching and taking pictures with the art.
2023-11-02 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$7Pattaya Khao Kheow Open Zoo Ticket
The garden is very diverse, with hundreds of animals numbering in the thousands. Each animal is well cared for and all live freely in their own area.
2023-11-02 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$8.35Love In Museum Pattaya Tickets
A deeper understanding of the emotional relationships between different creatures, which can lead to profound reflection and empathy.
2023-10-28 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$8.52Ripleys Believe It or Not Pattaya Ticket
Pattaya houses a huge collection of exotic items from all over the world and everyone who sees it is blown away by the words - this place is amazing!
2023-11-02 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$8.72Siri Park and Zoo by Sriracha Zoo Entrance Ticket
Sri Zoo is a small zoo in Pattaya and also a semi-open zoo, where we can not only have a close contact with all kinds of animals
2023-11-03 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$9Nong Nooch Tropical Garden Ticket
It is a composite cultural village combined with a traditional museum that introduces the characteristics of the traditional culture of Thailand.
2023-11-01 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$9.25Tiger Park Pattaya Entrance Tickets
Don't miss this once in the lifetime activity, where you can take a selfie inside cage with unchained tigers at Tiger Park Pattaya.
2023-10-28 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$9.55JF Boxing Muay Thai Stadium Pattaya Ticket
Enjoy a thrilling and action-packed evening as local and international fighters compete in traditional Muay Thai bouts
2023-11-04 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$12Sanctuary of Truth Museum Daytime Ticket
The temple contains four main halls, east, west, south, north and south, built according to Thai, Khmer, Chinese and Indian religious concepts.
2023-11-01 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$15Dolphinarium Pattaya Ticket
Dolphinarium in Pattaya is the only entertainment center of this kind in Thailand, where you can not only watch show with dolphins, but also take pictures with dolphins.
2023-11-04 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$24Pattaya Alcazar Cabaret Show Ticket
The seats in the theater are very comfortable, and the stage is flexible and versatile, giving the audience a luxurious treat!
2023-11-07 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$27.5Tiffany's Show Pattaya Ticket
With more than four decades of experience, Tiffany's Show Pattaya has become a world-recognized "must-see" and is recommended to visitors of any age.
2023-11-04 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$28Pattaya 99 Show-Big Eye Show Ticket
Pattaya 99 Show-Big Eye Show is one of the most exciting and popular adult shows in Pattaya, which combines elements of adult eroticism, sexual teasing, etc. The actors and actresses present you a superb visual feast with their marvelous postures and dances.
2024-06-08 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$34Columbia Pictures Aquaverse Ticket
Enjoy thrilling rides, live shows, international food and drinks, and watch movies on huge screen in our outdoor mega wave pool
2024-09-10 ~ 2025-10-05From USD$36.91