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Bangkok: Day trip to Ayutthaya by bus and back by boat on the Great Pearl (English guide)
- Start City: Ayutthaya
- End City: Ayutthaya
- Duration: 1 Days
In the green shade of hidden monuments or with modern buildings nearby the ancient ruins, despite the broken walls, the remains of the palace of the fortress, the splendor of the Buddha, and detailed carvings, can still evoke ancient sad emotions.
2024-12-12 ~ 2025-10-14From USD$57.95AY-BK-12383
Ayutthaya-Bangkok One-way Point-to-point Transfer Thai Driver
- Start City: Ayutthaya
- End City: Bangkok
- Duration: 1 Days
Ayutthaya-Bangkok one-way point-to-point transfer Reliable driver with excellent driving skills
2023-12-09 ~ 2025-10-14From USD$68